oh—- it's you. i'm a little jumpy.. feels like i've still got one foot in that arena.
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/ * crawls out of grave * i forgot this account existed lmao
oh—- it's you. i'm a little jumpy.. feels like i've still got one foot in that arena.
we would dance for our dinners and sing for our suppers, the covey and me. might i even say you'd enjoy one of our shows.
@-ofsongbirds } the sentiment is nice but i’m not really a song and dance type of woman.
you look tired. have you been getting enough sleep recently?
@snowstylings } … no, i haven’t. i just found out that my father took a mistress and they’re having a son. they’ve lost faith in me to continue the bloodline so they’re passing it onto some sad young sap.
hey, i, uhm.. ( tigris sighed, fiddling with her hands. ) i wanted to check up on you. noticed you haven’t been doing too well? i just want to make sure you’re okay.
@snowstylings } most people say that until they actually see the work. just let me know if you get tired or hungry or something. i’ll be working riiight over there.
i just wanna help out. that’s all. ( tigris sighed, taking the magnifying glass carefully. )
@snowstylings } [ she then walked back to her, offering the magnifying glass ] i really appreciate this, snow. seriously.
careful, now. if you say another word, i fear it may be your last. / clemensia’s weakest attempt at a joke in her entire life
@dovecotes } i .. nevermind. i think i’m going mad. [ she pinched the bridge if her nose ]
hm? ( clemensia’s head tilted, her brows furrowing together. ) looking at you like /what/?
i write all my songs. well, the covey help with some of 'em. / two drops bc REVIVAL ERA ‼️
@-ofsongbirds } i suppose .. hard to find joy in a place like this. death’s probably the only saving grace we have at the end of the day … better to be six feet under than deal with whatever this is. / will dooooo <3 i’ll do it either tonight or tomorrow depending on my muse !
( @traitorsblood ) the hanging tree. [ she specifies with a curt nod. ] i still think there's beauty in tragedy. besides, it's our truth. it holds a lot of meanin' as itself and as a metaphor, i'd say. can't sing about sunshine 'n' rainbows, daisies and dreams when that's not what the world we're livin' in. / omg my best boy i missed him sm !!! plssss drop when you do <33
@-ofsongbirds } i suppose. seems rather tragic to sing about a hanging though , no ? / FRRRR gonna go on sejanus in a bit <3
can i be honest with you ? … i don't feel like i won much anythin' at all.
@-ofsongbirds } i have to be careful with how i use it. though the games i play may not be the same as yours, the end result if i fail is all the same. [ she didn’t flinch at the touch, merely met her gaze ]
( @traitorsblood ) course not. [ lucy gray dips her head in acknowledgement of the brunette. she steps forth, cautiously, and reaches to hold the girl's wrist for a short moment. ] don't let 'em take your voice when you can use it for good. i believe in good people like you, medea.
@-ofsongbirds } [ dark brows furrowed a little at her words ] well .. for the sake of your peers, i hope that these games will be the last. you didn’t hear it from me though.
..i’m sorry, uhm, you’re being a bit too loud. i can’t.. focus.
@snowstylings } are .. you sure ? [ medea was no fool, she could sense tigris’s change in disposition ] you know, you can be honest with me. i won’t tell.
ah! yes, he did just return. ..it’s been a bit rough without him here, but now that he’s back, i’m sure everything will be fine. ( tigris said quietly, looking down. )
@snowstylings } [ medea dipped her head before taking a step back towards the exit ] so .. how have you been ? i hear coriolanus returned from his deployment ?
/ * crawls out of grave * i forgot this account existed lmao
why, /you/ are very hard to find. however.. i got something for you. since it’s the holidays and all.
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