

do nathan and arianna get married and have kids??


Hi! Haha well I’ve never envisioned their lives past what I wrote, so it’s honestly up to you to imagine what happens afterwards. I know that’s probably unsatisfactory to hear, but these characters are yours just as much as they’re mine, and so if you’d prefer them to be together and married in the future, then sure, they can be !


How the heck do you not have more votes? GAH! Finished The Seven Day Gangster in less than an hour and I loved it! Gosh, the ending was awesome, I was freaking out... okay, you're a totally amazing writer, I have yet another fictional character that I want as a boyfriend.... :P


@ThatNerdyChickx haha thanks! i'm so glad you enjoyed it! although lol one of these days i think i'm going to go back and edit around a bit


this message may be offensive
k. i've been reading some extremely ignorant shit tonight and it's pissing me off. 
          "I'm White and I've never had privilege."
          Please. Stop right there.
          White privilege is not ubiquitous. No one's saying that. White privilege is also not the clear-cut issue as everyone seems to think it is: it doesn't mean "You're White so you get everything handed to you" <-- that's completely wrong and fucked up to assume. White privilege also doesn't make all White people racists. That's also fucked up to say.
          White privilege is not having to be subject to the same racial profiling or even stereotyping as, for example, a minority or a Black person. It's being treated- whether on a very subtle, subconscious level to more overt forms - differently. It's not quantitative and it's not something you can provide incontrovertible evidence for. But just because you don't witness something, or firsthand experience it, doesn't mean it's not there. 
          I'm not trying to be dramatic. Look at the big picture. Understand that even though it's been years since the culmination of deliberate segregation, racial inequality still persists. Having a Black president doesn't mean we've surpassed all possible remnants of racism.