Hi I'm mizuki. And not to be rude but I don't think I can share my Yuuri-chan. I just love him so much. And I have to say, your sure a talented writer.
@katsukiiii im not cosplaying lol, just a girl who wores a Dan and Phil grey shirt, with her sleeveless jacket on, and there were two badges on her sleeveless jacket lol, and im with my mom, actually :3
@Athena-Sakamaki awwwww... We should've met thooo! Thanks for the follow, fave lodi~~!!! And thanks for being your favorite person in "favorite in first post" (( what a bad invention omg lol ))~~~~♥♥♥!!!! Anyways, i like the pillow talk of Otabek x fem! Reader on your Yuri on Ice lemons! :')))))