

@trashtethics I love this story so much!! it peeked my interest right after the first chapter lol, honestly its the story that made me start reading on here again lmaooo


@trashtethics oh, I'm ready to read it >:D


tho im not really sure if this will be a short story 


Hi author 
          I stumble one of your story "metanoia" long time ago (i think around 2021??) And i finished it and i love it. Then i look at your profile and found your other stories. Right now i still reading bound by love, i just finish the latest update of boyfriend simulator.
          I just wanna ask when will you update new chapter on boyfriend simulator?? I looking forward on the update.
          Thats all from me i hope you update more in the future. Love you ~♡


I just read fugitive and I would like to say that is the best Bakugo book I have ever read your writing is amazing. You’re so talented like actually I have never read a book with this type of plot. everything about it is chefs kiss


Hii, i just started to follow u cause ur writing style is one of my favourite and i love ur type of story that u made up, the creativity and ur passion u put into this.
          i wanted to ask u if u can update the “boyfriend simulator” one cause it’s really really good and i really like it!
          i’m sorry for any mistake i made while writing by English is not my first language.
          wish u the best ❤️



@trashtethics I love this story so much!! it peeked my interest right after the first chapter lol, honestly its the story that made me start reading on here again lmaooo


@trashtethics oh, I'm ready to read it >:D


tho im not really sure if this will be a short story 