⭐️Hiya! I’m pretty new to wattpad. My name is... I’d actually rather keep that personal. I’ve had an account on wattpad before, but didn’t do anything on it and eventually deleted it... Anyways. I wouldn’t regard myself as a super awesome writer, but if I were to write a story with a storyline that I was content with, I would probably be proud? :) I’m not yet working on WRITING the story. I’m only brainstorming atm. I’m also going on a trip to fLoRiDa for Christmas for the next two weeks, so I won’t be able to post any time soon. aLsO. The title of my story may or may not be “Seeking Grey.” It’s about dragons :T I hope you enjoyed this... Intro? Yeah! Bye everybody, - trashycakes
@trashycakes Boi why you give all this info about yourself! You shouldn't show your face to anyone got it?! ~Your best friend Sugar (I'm not giving out my name either!)