
Aint no way I got three whole relationships back because of wattpad.. 


          i dont know how to say this, or how to let alone word this-but itll sound really weird and i apologize for it :,)
          i was talking to a friend about our memories and experiences with ‘online friends’ and one of mine in particular came up, one that i ‘fell out’ with (in simpler terms: drifted apart). as we talked, more and more of this friend was brought up and so were more of the memories i have. i thought about it a lot more and decided to try to find this friend to see how they were doing because its been so long and maybe even contact them if im brave enough. this is where i found you. i dont know if you’d even remember me lmao and if you dont im so sorry for putting you in such an awkward place—in fact im not entirely sure if this id the right person, but im sure. you dont have to reply to this message at all, in fact you can just block me and completely forget about me if you want to haha. (sorry for the useless backstory)
          I went by many aliases over the years, but one that sticks out is “amber”. i met you on roblox in 2019 (i think) and we became friends from there. i remember your username being “lolaloudxdbuty” and your name i dont think i will mention in case its a sensitive topic or a deadname. — i really have no reason or motive behind this message, i guess i just wanted to see if you’re still doing well i suppose. again, you dont have to reply yo this message and i dont mean to leave you with a burden or whatever, but i hope you’re doing okay and i wish you a great day/night. :)


            Ooo add my disc for nowwowowoow


            The only other apps I have are Instagram and discord </3 


Your pfp making me uncomfortable 


            Sorry about that
            It's one of my favorite characters from a game :'D 


@cannibalxs the three eyes and too many horns 


          Are you who I think I am


            Why go to school on a Saturdayyyy


You’re the only toaster I’d consider taking a bath with ;))))) gotta go fast