*cough* Well hey there. I'm um yeah.... yeah 

Hi I'm Ollie, or Kookie, or whatever. I'm just a girl... yeah that's about it. I honestly dream to be a professional writer but:
1- No
2- As you can see if you read my stuff no
3- Everyone wants to be so HAHA GOOD LUCK TO ME!

I'm usually upbeat and kinda crazy, just a bit, a lot, okay yeah haha. ANYWHO! Some of my stories are fanfics some aren't, some are stupid and terrible (most), and most are kinda sad. I'm not trying to say drama is the only way to have romance but it's more fun to write to be frank. If you don't like that I apologize. OH BY THE WAY! I am quite infatuated with BTS and basically Korean culture in general.
ULT: Taehyung
Favorite food: SUSHI! Not to be basic but I can't help it. I love it...
Favorite color(s): Black, blue, red
Favorite songs (No order):
-Wi ing wi ing by Hyohko
-Rain by BTS
-Mistake by Drug Restaurant

Kayyyy well hope you like my stories bye ;3

Tumblr: http://thatrandomgirl208.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seekingtaehyung
  • BergabungMarch 2, 2015

Cerita oleh ✨Ollie✨
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I saved the 'princess'
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