
And we have Chapter 61:
          	Go check it out now. Happy weekend! :-)


At  last! My internet connection finally lets me update this novel. This is chapter 60. Can't believe we've come this far.


@Ashleychelsea123 yeah, it can be. I'm using my school's campus wifi.


@tremaCA also i can relate to stupid internet connection. its VERY annoying.


I'm back!! Some of you may have peeked at my 'Activity' and noticed already.
          Anyway, I'm glad the exams are over. They were good, by the way (hopefully). I began my summer holidays with a few movies and a couple of novels.
          Then, I remembered Hidden. Not that I forgot it. I've been writing it...on my phone...but haven't updated it on Wattpad yet.
          So, yes, I have a few chapters waiting to be polished and posted. Get ready. I might also edit older chapters. Some of them make me cringe. Or I guess it's a writers' thing.
          Buckle up, people. Our ride with Jessica and Eric isn't over yet.


Please, check if Chapter 56 is now visible. I split it into two parts. I noticed that even after publishing them last week, I was still getting messages and comments like "please update". I have updated Hidden...again. Check if it is updated in your library. There should be 69 parts in total.


Welcome to summer, everyone!
          Yes, it's me! I'm back from... wherever. "Hidden" is not over yet, I'm still posting chapters. School work has just taken my time (I'm even reading for a test right now). As you have noticed, chapters are scarcely posted. I'm sorry that there was no notification before the sparse updates.
          If you're scared that the story is too long, don't worry, there is a point to it. In fact, I hardly ever write short novels. The long narrative is intended. Anyway, I hope the faithful readers can keep up with the flow.
          By the way, let's appreciate the fact that it's summer again. Time to bask in the warmth of the sun and forget the cold. (Here in my province, it's still raining. Why? This place sure h,as a weird climate.)


Hehe no problem. Good luck with your test.