
this message may be offensive
So, little life update. I've been having issues with a dude that I was gonna date or looking into it. I've been no contact for almost two weeks and I was informed by our mutual friend, the one that introduced us, that he was getting into her snap account and yesterday when I thought i was talking to her, I was actually talking to him without my knowledge like what in the ever loving fuck dude


@ trendycupcakeslover  idiot mf 


If you're still active or alive wanna rp soul eater 


@trendycupcakeslover nvm I know what it is sorry for spam text


this message may be offensive
So, little life update. I've been having issues with a dude that I was gonna date or looking into it. I've been no contact for almost two weeks and I was informed by our mutual friend, the one that introduced us, that he was getting into her snap account and yesterday when I thought i was talking to her, I was actually talking to him without my knowledge like what in the ever loving fuck dude


@ trendycupcakeslover  idiot mf 


Can someone plz write a fanfic on either wilson from house MD or charlie kelly from always sunny in philadelphia where one of them (or both) find out they have a 5yr old daughter that they just found out they have that has an abusive mother and the kids kinda a wild child [swears and stuff] plz there's none out there and plz make it more then one or two pages and if possible can u name the mom Nichole and the 5yr old daughter melissa lol 


I feel like the SpongeBob meme where the building's on fire and they're all running around 


@asuraxluna I posted it to my facebook account lol 


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To the asshole in my neighborhood who uses poison instead of traps for rats and mice, fuck you. I hope your house is filled with rats and mice. Poisoning rats and mice also means you poison cats who eat them. My cat ate one of them and got sick. The vet thinks that he also had lymphoma on top of it which doesn't make sense since he was fine before this, eating normally, being his usual self. No signs he was sick at all. Until I got told this morning they were taking him in when symptoms started the night before. He's not even 3 years old and he's getting put down.


@trendycupcakeslover hey i dmed you on discord about it but if you dont wanna talk thats fine to


@trendycupcakeslover Iam so sorry.  No one should have to go through something like that. If there's anything I can do to cheer you up I'm all ears.


Wattpad don't get in my DMS telling me to update my stories. 


Same. Or have my messages repeat twice. Or deleting pics I put with my stories