[[I know these get annoying, I apologize in advance]]
There are two sides to everything... even the world you live in.
On one side, there is the everyday, the normal...the safe.
On the other side of this coin is another side few rarely see and live to tell of.
Those books you read about things that go bump in the night...
May be more real then you yet realize.
And far more dangerous then you last thought.
There are things that move in the shadows, things that slink in the slime, and things that feed off your fear. There are things that kill, things that mutilate and maim. There are things that would sooner kill you then look at you...
And there are the ones that protect you.
The Casters, put in place to keep the two sides of the coin from becoming one face, are slowly falling apart, their numbers less and less...
and slowly the darkness is gaining a foothold.
Dont misunderstand, not all the things that bump in the night are evil...
Not all of them are dark...
But so many are that it's hard to tell the difference...
This underbelly of your world is getting ready to call for blood.
The drums of war are beating, the fear-eaters feeding, and the time for fighting has come...
Which side will you choose?
Human vs beast?
Caster vs Nightmare?
Good vs evil?
Who will win...
Who will lose...
Who will LIVE?