I've decided to leave this account in the dust, and i have a couple reasons why.
1. I don't like a couple of the books I've written (Blacksmith's Son, Sabriel Summer, Return To Falls)
2.I'm getting too many updates for a lot of books that I dont read, or just from Sabriel Summer, the book I hate that I ever wrote.
3. I really want to interact with all of the people on here more.
You can follow me on @HelloSongbird
So, about my books. I will be bringing Wings En Pointe, Click, and Sanity over. They will be updated (hopefully) once every two weeks (Give or take a few days)
I will leave the other three on this account, and I'm not going to bring them over. However, I will be COMPLETELY RE-WRITING SABRIEL SUMMER and Blacksmith's Son has a very similar book already on @HelloSongbird called Fear Of Falling Apart.
Thanks for actually waiting and being patient with me. I hope to talk to all of you on @HelloSongbird. Bye.