
I am trying to write chapter 4, buuuuuuuuut whenever I try to do anything, an error appears. ????? It's not my device (I have tried it with my phone, iPad, and two computers) but I have no clue what's wrong! I can click on the edit chapters, then i click on part 4, THEN it doesn't let me do a thing. Does this happen to anyone else? If so, how do you fix it?


@trinidybleeblee I'm so sorry, that totally sucks!


Hey, Trinidy! How's it going? I haven't heard anything from you in a while.


@trinidybleeblee thank you! Have a good time writing!


@WonderRose78 I can see the first one. My brother is good, he is just learning to roll over now to start crawling. I think I will do the same and write the book as a whole. I will look up Jenna Moreci, thank you!


Ok, so my computer glitched and I thought that it just deleted my first message or that i didn't send it or whatever, so I wrote a second one. I don't know if you can see the first one since I deleted it, but if you can, then it's pretty much a shorter version of the second and if you can't, then great!


I am trying to write chapter 4, buuuuuuuuut whenever I try to do anything, an error appears. ????? It's not my device (I have tried it with my phone, iPad, and two computers) but I have no clue what's wrong! I can click on the edit chapters, then i click on part 4, THEN it doesn't let me do a thing. Does this happen to anyone else? If so, how do you fix it?


@trinidybleeblee I'm so sorry, that totally sucks!


So I have been really lazy lately, and I'm thinking writing more of a chore than a hobby. But I will get to the next chapter soon. (Who ever took my writing inspiration: please give it back?)


@trinidybleeblee NEVER!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!