@ShawnsPanda I just wanted to let you know that you can get through this. I know you're probably tired by now of hearing things like, "It'll get better," but please just try to remember that you are loved and your life is so precious. I know I don't exactly know you or know what you're going through but try to keep in mind that you are incredibly talented and so worth living. I know this might be really corny and cheesy but what they say is true, you don't really recognize what you have until you're gone, and i can't imagine how awful it would be to make such a small mistake with so many chain reactions, like from cutting just a little too deep. We all love you, and just because good things happen after you cut, try to think of it from another viewpoint. For example, start to make a list of even the smallest good things that happen when you don't cut. And if you ever question if you will be missed, I have the answer, you will be missed, because you are so loved. But if you ever struggle with your own dark, tempting thoughts try to think of someone you love or someone who loves you's reaction if they were to see what happened, I know that's always helped me. I know that it will be hard at first but try as hard as you can to win this battle, we are rooting for you. Also, please try to get some help, it doesn't have to be a costly therapist, but a friend who's really good at listening works as well. If you ever need help just let me know because none of us want to lose you. You matter way too much for us to let you slip through our fingers like that. I know this letter is probably awful because I'm bad at writing and the fist time I wrote it it got deleted but just hear me out, your life matters and please don't let anyone let you think that I'm lying, because I'm not. You can make it past this. You are not a waste of space on this planet, you make it better.