
Chapter 01&02 are now published 


Let the Earth Breath 
          The scientist are warning us so please let the Earth breath The Climate is slowly Changing
          Spread Words Its summer here in Phillipines But We've Got a Typhoon We've got Landslide in other provinces Its raining in other cities in the philipines its utterly summer Let The Earth Breath Please I'm Begging you Do you want to save the Earth? Spread it Right now Pls ,Stop Using Fossil Fuels The climate can be bad for our live and health Some scientist are now protesting some if Them Are being Arrested pls Spread the word 
           #LetTheEarthBreath  #LetTheEarthBeHeard


Hello Everyone This is Your Author I'll remake it "the girl that gives me butterflies" Yes I'd like too Thank you for your patience And I dont know when I'll publish tge new ones I'm Making two stories at a time This one named"Unending love" Thank you for your support Love you