
I would just like to say that my friend fnafplayer2468 is making book covers and I would like if u all would be nice and like her book covers and also if u are nice to her u can ask her to make u one and she gladly will thank u all very much and stay fresh my baby kittens


I meant penguins 


I would just like to say that my friend fnafplayer2468 is making book covers and I would like if u all would be nice and like her book covers and also if u are nice to her u can ask her to make u one and she gladly will thank u all very much and stay fresh my baby kittens


I meant penguins 


I have decided to do book covers on my own if u want a book cover then send me a message over my profile and I will get it sent to u just list the following. 
          Just Comment
          Mood- (happy,mad,upset,depressing) 
          Comment  what type of picture u want set and I will give it to u


Whenever u feel like u aren't needed and suicide thoughts run through your head saying "just end it, end it now and all the pain will go away" that's when u need to go to your true friend and tell them everything and trust me they will take the bad thoughts out of your head and put the good ones back. They will take the suicide thoughts away and put happy ones back. They will do everything they can to get there old person back. 


Whenever u are alone there is always gonna be a shoulder to cry on no matter who it is they will still care about u noatter what. 
          True friends stay forever, beyond words, beyond distance and beyond time. 
          True friends aren't the ones who make your problems disappear they are the ones who won't disappear when your facing problems. 
          True friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes when everyone else believes the smile on your face. 
          A true friendship doesn't need daily conversation. It does not assume the worst, even when communication is lacking. Strong friendships survive the storms of this life because they believe the best about each other. As long as the friendship lives in the heart, true friends will never part. 
          A true friend shares the good times and help us out by listening to the bad times. 


Everyone is beautiful in there own way and if u ever get told to kill yourself cause your not good enough or pretty enough well they are wrong cause u are we better then the person who told you that. When times are tough go to a friend cause that is one person you can rely on to get you through your tough times and your rough times cause they are always gonna be there for u to cry on there shoulder and they are always gonna be there to comfort you when needed the most. 
          A true friend is someone u can count on in your darkest moments to be there for u, to lift your spirits and to remind u of the beauty that is all around u. A true friend can make you laugh when you don't even want to smile. A true friend will tell u the truth when u need to hear it no matter how painful. A true friend is a gift from the heavens because they do not have to be in your life and for that u should be truly thankful. So today why not let your true friend know just how much u appreciate them even if it's just a text to say "thank u for being in my life".❤❤❤