Kay guys, here's what. Whatever Book ur reading now, I mean it WHATEVER book, just drop it. Dump it back into ur bookshelves. then, start reading Relentless by Karen lynch. the first book is ryt here on wattpad, the second one...refuge...tell me wen u finish the first one and I'll tell u where u'll get it. (for free I mean). the third and final installment will b released on 27 October 2015. just a few days. so forget everything else AND READ RELENTLESS!!! it is da best book Eva and ur missing out on life if it missing out on this series. I mean all I can do all day is fangirl over Nikolas. and after u read it, that's all u'll b doing too. Relentless is amaaaaaazing, but Refuge, to put it mildly, is on a whole new level. Plz plz plz plz plz read it. I wish I could go on about Sara and Nikolas but I can't. I won't be able to finish in a million words. so it's up to u to read it now. u heard me, if u don't read it, u'll b missing out on LIFE
Love and requesting u madly to read relentless~