My favorite things to do are dance in my own funky way to my favorite music, eating, cooking, reading, writing, watching tv, and watching movies at the movie theatre.
Things I hate are cleaning, hearing people smack their lips it bugs the penguins out of me, spiders, dead bodies in the water I swim in, sharks in the water I swim in, and things crawling in my ear to lay eggs in my brain.
I'm an amateur author, so I like to hear criticism on how I can become a better author.
I like to eat, it's a passions I have, like cooking.
I like Italian, Chinese, and American food the best.
I hate ham, I really hate it.
I have a spunky sense of humor to the point of being a weirdo, and no I don't care if they think I am, because I am who I am, you don't like it, suck it up and deal with it.
If you feed me food, I will be your best friend.
  • JoinedMarch 24, 2013

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