Began the first I guess 'chapter' of Never Would I Sigh. Another important thing is that I also edited the description at the begin, which explains why the newest part is slightly different than I had expected it to turn out.
Just got back from getting TWO injections on my foot. It didn't hurt as much as it did last time, but this time it's kinda affecting how I walk right now, but I'm just glad it's over and most likely won't have to have that done again.
Lol, Wattpad nooby moments. Cuss words are brought up in Wattpad logs as offensive. Wattpad checks them. More than 95% of the comments aren't offensive so Wattpad ignores it. Don't worry <3 I've called people hoes and whatnot and have never gotten in trouble for it. But it was because it was jokingly.
If your message thing is filled with me cussing, ignore it because I deleted them all because it said "oh this is offensive". YOU KNOW WHAT, WATTPAD? I'm mad, bro. It's all because of some person on here and that's it.