So, I'm sorry I haven't been on lately. I've been going through alot, I have to quit horseback riding. The one thing that I love, it helps me escape the stuff I get from people. But now, practically everyone is making fun of my riding, and leaving shit on my like "Why haven't you quit riding yet" "Why do you still ride, you're horrible." And just, well I'm done. I used to tell myself that I'd advance in my riding eventually, and now I'm actually starting to wonder myself, why am I still riding? The stables is never going to let me jump or cantar because of my weight, so what's the freaking point of still going? I'm tired of working on the same stupid thing. My instructor doesn't even know what to do with me anymore, she thinks I'm ready to jump. But the owner won't let me. But why, because she's afraid I'm going to fall off. Um... I signed up for this, I signed a waiver in case I die, so yea I get that I might fall off. But it's just ugh! Society is just so stupid, everything's about weight and looks. And I'm just done.