
I thought I could try to notify you that I'm still alive..
          	So recap...
          	- I stopped updating Wonderwall, I think about March 2 years ago.
          	- I stopped updating and writing The Therapist too, about the same time. 
          	- I left an unfinished draft for a new book (Snamione) 
          	- I left an unfinished plan for a Wonderwall sequel. 
          	2 years. No updates. 
          	Then I come back and see all of you coming over to read my works, like man, that's so FLATTERING!! I cannot believe people would appreciate my writing. I was still a Senior High student back then, and now I'm starting college. And since I can't afford a Creative Writing course (w/c is costly here in our place), I took up an Education course Major in English. -just sharin' 
          	So this is the real deal...
          	I dunno if could still live up to what I started, but I'm already trying to write again. I just need to know if you still want me to. Y'know, you- my small band of readers are what makes me feel alive.


I thought I could try to notify you that I'm still alive..
          So recap...
          - I stopped updating Wonderwall, I think about March 2 years ago.
          - I stopped updating and writing The Therapist too, about the same time. 
          - I left an unfinished draft for a new book (Snamione) 
          - I left an unfinished plan for a Wonderwall sequel. 
          2 years. No updates. 
          Then I come back and see all of you coming over to read my works, like man, that's so FLATTERING!! I cannot believe people would appreciate my writing. I was still a Senior High student back then, and now I'm starting college. And since I can't afford a Creative Writing course (w/c is costly here in our place), I took up an Education course Major in English. -just sharin' 
          So this is the real deal...
          I dunno if could still live up to what I started, but I'm already trying to write again. I just need to know if you still want me to. Y'know, you- my small band of readers are what makes me feel alive.


          ~Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste on 8 people's message boards who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out~


To everyone who's reading and waiting for my updates on my books...I'm Sorrt if it's dragging too long. The truth is I'm going on an emotional situation right now that's left me paralyzed-mentally. I find it hard to think about what to do, as much as I already have plans on how those stories will go, I can't find the will to write,  I honestly can't even look at them without  shaking. I just don't know what's going and how to fix this. 
          I need some more time to fix this, me. I do really hope you understand. Thank you thank you. I'm still trying. 


@trueshanee_13  I shouldn't think it is look at it when you love someone and they've died your not gonna stop loving them are you? So I shouldn't think that it classes as Necrophilia xx


@EmilySnapexx it did, it really did, i was so confused 


No problem I know how it feels but I hope this helped xx


@EmilySnapexx thank you for your advice cuz it really really hurts 