So I had to do this questionnaire thing or whatever I was nominated by @sweetism thanks alot ass wipe
Did you ever date anyone: yes, but it was stupid and pointless
What is your ideal partner: well, let's see my ideal partner is a bunch a hot anime dudes.
If you are stuck on an island, what would you have with you: food, water, my phone, portable charger and wifi.
What's your motto: you're being irrelevant
Relationship status: single, like really single
Did you have your first kiss? How?: Yes, legit was at a slumber party and we played spin the bottle with a cup
Favorite color: black
What would you like to be in the future: a psychiatrist
How do you release stress: I'm to cute to have stress.
What is your height: 5'5 1/2
What's your weight: like 168 something around there
Have you ever cheated before: I cheated on this test and it was the biggest test of the year and if you cheated they would probably fail you. I'm a savage
I don't have enough friends to nominate