
no i'd like the floor


Hey everyone! Today it is my birthday so I'm unable to write too much but do you want me to release the first few chapters of my new story tomorrow? That way I can get recommendations and see if my story is a good idea. Please reply with opinions / thoughts.


@_One_StayHuman @Bby_BuCookie I'll upload something now :)


Just found out that some sort of personal events sparked for you. I'm just here to tell you to hold on no matter what is going on right now. Whatever happens don't think lowly of yourself, be mindful of your incredible capabilities as a human being and keep moving forward. Whatever is happening is truly none of my buisness, but I'm still concerned about your well being. Some people have it rougher than others, but it's the journey that thickens your skin and gifts you experience. Countless bad days all make good stories, turn a negative into something wonderful. Live well, whatever event leaps your way. Strive to see another day. Again, I don't know the severity of the situation but I just want to let you know that you're worth something. Just in case. Peace.


@YouPr0b4blyKnowMe Hey! I really loved and appreciated this message. Thank you so much, and I'll be completely fine so don't worry <3


I'm delighted to announce Paranoid should be finished either today or tomorrow! I will be mass uploading all the chapters then. I might need a little bit of time to think up my next plot as that's my biggest flaw, however I will soon be writing a new story for you all! I already have a basic idea for it actually but I will need to develop it further. I also had a request from my friend Julianna to insert her into the next story, so I need to work my way around her personality and see which character would fit her.
          Whilst I'm writing this next book, I will also be quality checking Paranoid and making sure there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes. Since Paranoid is only my second massive story and my first original story, the quality will obviously not be as good as most content on Wattpad. I have tried my hardest to write the story when I was most motivated to allow the quality to be better, despite having difficult events pop up in my real life.
          I would like to give a massive thank you to anyone who followed Paranoid whilst I was writing it. I can't tag most of you since you don't have Wattpad accounts, so I won't mention anyone. You know who you are anyway. I expected Paranoid to get maybe 250 total reads, but it has exceeded 500 and is still going. Hopefully the next story will be even better 


Paranoid hit 500 views today! Thank you to everyone who read, voted and supported the book. I wasn't expecting that even with a finished product, so it's heartwarming to see a creation of mine being loved so much. Hardly anything of mine gets praised, so it's really an amazing thing to see Discord or Twitter DMs praising my stuff.