
 OK so hi, I'm not dead, I've just been mentally exhausted, I just finished highschool and am trying to get into college. Anyway I'm sorry for dropping my fics like a hot potato but I'm going to let you know what's going on with them, I'm probably not going to touch my black clover fics again... mabey the yandere one, I recently went through and spell checked it. As for my kny fics, let me be clear I never plan to touch (AM I DEAD) again, I hate it, the only reason I didn't delete it is because so many people liked it (I'll consider going through and spell checking it if people ask). As for (FIGHT ME COWARDS) I do intend to spell check and update it. I actually liked where it was going, but I do plan to make a few changes, I already edited a few chapters I only got to chapter 4 though, after I finish all the edits I plan to start updating again. Feel free to ask questions. This is all 


@tsukimoon666 good to know you're not dead. gl getting into college


 OK so hi, I'm not dead, I've just been mentally exhausted, I just finished highschool and am trying to get into college. Anyway I'm sorry for dropping my fics like a hot potato but I'm going to let you know what's going on with them, I'm probably not going to touch my black clover fics again... mabey the yandere one, I recently went through and spell checked it. As for my kny fics, let me be clear I never plan to touch (AM I DEAD) again, I hate it, the only reason I didn't delete it is because so many people liked it (I'll consider going through and spell checking it if people ask). As for (FIGHT ME COWARDS) I do intend to spell check and update it. I actually liked where it was going, but I do plan to make a few changes, I already edited a few chapters I only got to chapter 4 though, after I finish all the edits I plan to start updating again. Feel free to ask questions. This is all 


@tsukimoon666 good to know you're not dead. gl getting into college


Hello.....Are you dead? ..


@tsukimoon666 Oh! I will pray for you to recover from the virus and wish you a speedy recovery


@user17792597 I'm trying too, I just had a really nasty virus. But really thanks for checking in, it's really sweet.


@tsukimoon666 Oh my God, I hope you are well!Eat well and sleep well


 If yall want me to make an update on a story comment the title 


Fight me Cowards 
            Please :))