
Hi Tsunakuro! I'd just like to tell you something. Do you remember a story called  "Boss Levi,Eren Entern" ? Well, i'm the creater of it. Tho i got a new phone so i can't continue it becaus i dont remember my pass so i don't know what to do. And that's really anoying because you loved my story and kepet supporting me. And i felt sooo bad that i couldn't do anymore with my story,but i hope i can continue writing and for you to continue to support me. I am very greatful for you, Tsunakuro. And it's because of you i kept writing-- even though there not online.i also hope in the near future,ill get my regular phone and i'm able to continue with my stories as an inspiaring writing artist.i hope we can stay in contact with each other. And if so i'll give you my number to text me. 240-435-5950. I hope we can be friends. and i wish you luck and my support because i believe in you.
                      Signed: yoai_lover_nova14 A.K.A.PlushieNova14


Hi Tsunakuro! This is the author of 'My Sweet Omega' and 'My Perfect Servant' I just wanted to personally thank you for supporting me and for being one of my first followers. I am aware of the fact that I haven't posted and I apologise, but Chriatmas Break is coming up soon and I will be editing prewritten chapters and posting them! Once I finish one book I will most likely already have an idea of what I want to do, but please leave some recommendations! If I think they will be popular, or I will enjoy writing them then I will add it to the list. Once again thank you SOOOOOO MUCH for reading my crappy work!