
Heyy everyone!! 
          	It's me, tsunamilion. I know it's been literally years since I last uploaded something. But I've been trying to finish high school and get things sorted. 
          	So a little update about me, I'm a senior in high school and I'm about to graduate and head to my dream school and on the side lines, I've been writing my own piece of fantasy. 
          	And since it's finished, I've decided to upload it here! But I've also been thinking about uploading it on Amazon and try to get myself published. Soooo what do you think? It's called "crown of beginning" 
          	Let me know how you guys feel about it!! Im so happy that all of you have liked my worked!!
          	Tsunamilion <3


Heyy everyone!! 
          It's me, tsunamilion. I know it's been literally years since I last uploaded something. But I've been trying to finish high school and get things sorted. 
          So a little update about me, I'm a senior in high school and I'm about to graduate and head to my dream school and on the side lines, I've been writing my own piece of fantasy. 
          And since it's finished, I've decided to upload it here! But I've also been thinking about uploading it on Amazon and try to get myself published. Soooo what do you think? It's called "crown of beginning" 
          Let me know how you guys feel about it!! Im so happy that all of you have liked my worked!!
          Tsunamilion <3


I love the Wings of fire league <3. But, is it okay... if I do a book like it? IT'S REALLY GOOD (Your book.). I'll say that it was your idea! if you don't want me to write a wings of fire as the justice league, I understand. ;)


Heyyyyy, I read your bio (is that what it's called?) and I'm also a teen writer BUT I NEED HELP, I CANNOT WRITE do u have any advice?????


@lemonkitty111 I know I'm not who you're looking for, but I recommend reading other online pieces and look for vocab, style and layout of their stories. Then once you've familiarized yourself with online layouts, then you should read paperback published books and do what I told you earlier, but not as much the structure. 
            Of course, you should also learn basic writing techniques, like grammar and punctuation, but you should also keep in mind on how to make a flow in your stories, make it so you can glide over your own reading without needing to stop every now and then. Also remember, show don't tell, and learn to make fight scenes, they're difficult to write, but is really fun once you learn it!
            Good luck!