
Next time you are perusing Wattpad, take some time to read a poem. Maybe poetry is not your typical genre but I'd like to invite you to try reading a nice poem once, then twice, then three times. Allow your brain to take pause...enjoy the experience of pulling apart the words poured out from the heart of poets.


@iMINNI Thanks for the heads up!


Next time you are perusing Wattpad, take some time to read a poem. Maybe poetry is not your typical genre but I'd like to invite you to try reading a nice poem once, then twice, then three times. Allow your brain to take pause...enjoy the experience of pulling apart the words poured out from the heart of poets.


@iMINNI Thanks for the heads up!


Check out my most recent work, Poetry in Nature! It is the perfect kind of literature to read when you want to forget about the worries of our crazy world. I have also incorporated some pictures of the places where I was when I wrote each poem. I am glad to share the beauty! :)


Alright ya'll. The audience participation challenge was fun while it lasted but due to the lack of participation and the sheer impossibility of the task I am going to nix the idea and focus my characters. Also, I am renaming the story "The Travelling Librarian" to fit more with the content of the story. Thanks to everyone who participated! I loved the character ideas.
          Many Blessings and keep writing!


You have awesome choices in authors! I love all of them too!


❤❤❤❤❤ cant wait to read your book!


Hey guys! In my next story called "THE DAREDEVIL LIBRARIAN" I am asking my followers to make DM me with suggestions for characters, objects, random events, and whatever else to add into the story.  I will then have to make as much sense out of all of the suggestions as possible. Don't hold back, make it random, This should be fun!


@TaraCalvert I can't even say his name but into the story he goes!


@tswanner1 Nalriel-- a wingless angel banished to earth. He has long silky black hair, grey eyes, and uses his banishment to help humans out of shame and wanting to be redeemed for the horrible thing he did to get banished. He's strong, soft spoken, quick witted, and empathetic. 