yoooo ! keima here. okay aku nak bagitau yg aku ada published a new story. it is simple je. cerita ni bukan mcm writing pnjg" mcm kita selalu baca sbb aku penat nak type bnyak". concept dia super simple je sbb concept mcm kita buat diary. ayat luahan hati gitu. tp nak habaq la yg story ni eng ver so haha first try for eng book kan ? why not . and mayb chapter dia bnyak sbb dia mcm short story ha centu. hero dia warga bts , kim taehyung. aku pilih taehyung sbb crush aku punya perangai mcm taehyung. tp dont worry korg imagine la yg tu diary korg utk crush korg ok ? link dia kat bawah and jgn lupa tolong tekan vote comment and recommend kat kwn" okay ? salam sayang dari keima . i purple you.
> https://my.w.tt/pQefDNfiI3
baca la ff aku yg dh berkurun aku nak publish tp aku lupa pass ha :
always —
hero : anak pacik jeon .
heroin : anak pacik jun .
' I choose to be your friend, but falling in love with you is out of my control- '