
I'm bored. So I've decided to repost all the chapters for The Shades of Love. 
          	All chapters have been edited and some have been rewritten + two new chapters not posted on wp before. So, I highly recommend you to reread it all, if you're planning to catch up <3 
          	I once took most of the story down, and moved to ao3, due to some comments and messages I got from this story. I don't tolerate sh*t like I should go "k*ll myself", you'll be blocked and reported. 
          	I do really love this story, it is my pride and glory, together with As We Collide, I spend so much time writing each other, and I want to share it with you again <3 hope you'll enjoy!


I'm bored. So I've decided to repost all the chapters for The Shades of Love. 
          All chapters have been edited and some have been rewritten + two new chapters not posted on wp before. So, I highly recommend you to reread it all, if you're planning to catch up <3 
          I once took most of the story down, and moved to ao3, due to some comments and messages I got from this story. I don't tolerate sh*t like I should go "k*ll myself", you'll be blocked and reported. 
          I do really love this story, it is my pride and glory, together with As We Collide, I spend so much time writing each other, and I want to share it with you again <3 hope you'll enjoy!


newest updates: 
          AS WE COLLIDE
          chapter 11: not even if I wanted to 
          -- posted: here on wp
          chapter 16: in the middle of the night

          -- posted: on AO3
          chapter 17: until I forget 

          -- posted: on AO3
          is it just me, or is wp really acting up lately? I can't get to my drafts/stories from the front page on pc. I have to find the link to my profile, then find the story, then edit chapters. so annoying. 
          on the phone app it keeps crashing, I have to log in every time, it says error on the home page, and the notifications are delayed by days. 
          I have updated everything and it still keeps happening. maybe it's just a sign I made the right decision of signing up on ao3 as well idk. 
          anyway, I hope you guys had a lovely new year and that 2025 is treating you well so far. xx


wow hi hello I am not dead :D
          a new chapter for As We Collide, just in time for Christmas lol. 
          sorry for being MIA, went on vacation, got sick, back to work still sick, now drained from working in retail during Christmas season~ but hey, I'm still here! 
          happy holidays everyone <3


It’s okay take your time and prioritize your health! 


hey,great fan of 'afterglow' and 'paper planes'. Just wanna say how incredible they were, and those stories made me a great fan of your writings. In future,will you be writing more sansang fan fictions- just curious its quite rare to find an amazing sansang ff like the ones you made:)


Popping in to say; yes, I’ll edit out a certain name in “As we collide” as soon as I can (I already did on ao3). In that same round I’ll finally get around to do the same with another particular name in my oldest stories here “Just as we are” and “When we were”. 
          Luckily both of these names were only used for minor characters, with no real impact on the storyline (well, more or less). 
          The reason I haven’t done it with my old stories yet, is simply because I haven’t had the time to sit and skim through all the chapters. It’s been so long since I wrote it, so I can’t remember exactly which chapters he was mentioned in >< 
          In other news, I know I don’t update much here anymore. You can find me on ao3 for future updates on my active stories (WayV and TBZ). Xx


@ttalgittalgi Let me guess, it's Taeil.


@ttalgittalgi wait what happened??


hi, yes, surprise, I am still alive. 
          I haven't written any ATZ fics for a while, idk why but the inspiration just stopped. I know a lot of you follow me because of my ATZ stories, and there has been quite the interest for esp. "Heartstrings" + sequel lately. 
          Therefore, I'm now back with the first TEN CHAPTERS of the prequel to "Heartstrings". I have posted a few chapters of this story before, but they have been rewritten and there are four completely new chapters waiting as well.
          I'm not very active here anymore, I apologize for that, but if you want you can find me on AO3 under the same username.
          I'll of course be back with rest of this story soon, don't worry, I am working on it atm! 
          love you bye xx


@ ttalgittalgi  


I mean this in the most respectful way…but ohhhh SH*T. 


Sorry, the formatting is completely whack in some of the chapters. I tried fixing it (esp. chapter 4) but you might need to close the app and open it again before it updates... I apologize.