*blows dust off this account*
So, hi??
I just looked back at all the conversations on my message board or whatever this thing is called now and I'm so sad. I miss my old writing friends and I miss being invested in Wattpad and all things writing. (Sidenote, I also miss the old wattpad layout when we could make statuses... I feel like a dinosaur.)
But ANYWAY -- if there's anyone out there who still cares, my freshman year of college is going absolutely great and the only negative side effect of that is that my writing has seriously fallen to the side.
However, that's not all bad because last semester I did end up pumping out some very nice pieces of writing that I love a lot. One of which I recently posted, and I'm very excited to have out floating around on Wattpad.
I miss my stories and I hope to get back to writing them soon. "Junior" is still a project that I'm trying to sort out and "Lucid" as ever is the bane of my existence because I am now a compulsive outliner (who would've ever thought??? not 2014 me, that's for sure.)
I love both stories dearly but damn, writing is hard. And that's why I love it. As frustrating as it is, I love it so, so much. That's why I'm hoping to be back here and active soon. For now, you have my 900-word short story that I so desperately hope you can enjoy.
Until something more interesting arises,
Emily x