
Hello all, I have the exciting news that my spring break just got extended another two weeks! So I will be continuing to write on my often schedule of a new chapter for every story, once every day or two days. I will also be struggling to keep up with this however, and will try my best to get chapters out alongside my homework from my courses. Thank everyone for your continued patience and support!


Hi Author,
          I hope you’re doing well. I manage the Imagine Verse YouTube Channel (link below), where I create "what if" scenarios for Naruto and MHA, inspired by fanfiction stories I read and analyze. I’d love it if you could check out my channel.
          Would it be okay for me to adapt your work into an audio format for my channel? I’ll give you full credit and include your links in the video and description.
          Thanks for your time! I look forward to hearing from you.
          Channel Link:


When or if are we gonna see the torture chapter for Dipper?


this message may be offensive
Wait-was that a fucking pun-


@chaos3164 I posted a new chapter, let's you know next chapter will have torture 


Don’t work yourself to death


Hello all, I have the exciting news that my spring break just got extended another two weeks! So I will be continuing to write on my often schedule of a new chapter for every story, once every day or two days. I will also be struggling to keep up with this however, and will try my best to get chapters out alongside my homework from my courses. Thank everyone for your continued patience and support!


Hello all, as you can tell, I struggle to keep up a steady writing schedule. I personally won't make any promises that there will be chapters out for my three books before my break is over (January 20th), but I have chapters that are in the makings. I don't fully know what my work schedule will be like fully. I have two jobs now, so I'll be far more busy. On top of classes as well. I'm more worried with staying on top of homework, but if I do, there is a small possibility I'll have time to write, especially on Fridays. If I do, then I'll post a new chapter on Fridays from now on, but I will post new ones before I get swamped with class work. Thank you all for the support and patience, I'm sorry to disappoint you all as often as I do. This is the former big bad wolf, signing out. 


          I was reading your stories
          And I really like them
          And was going your be interested in doing a prompt i made
          Please reply


            It sounded as if you where mad,
            If your interestded i will pm/dm you
            If thats fine


@juubi-mage0327 I'm just questioning what would prompt me to want to do that. Like do you think it's that interesting? What's if about, if I wrote your idea am I publishing it on my account? Etc. Details kid details. 