
Happy birthday to our Chaeyoung (ᵔᴥᵔ)


School's closed today too because of how cold it is outside. I am the biggest procrastinator I know, I said I will  update yesterday but I never did. I also have a project to do for school too but never really started. But I updated chapter 15 of 'Unchanging Love' so that's great <3


Woohoo! No school tomorrow because of the cold! Also my Ayato fanfiction is currently on a hiatus because my Jimin fanfiction is my 1st priority for now. I can't update that story as much as I want but if I have some time, I'll try to update.


it's only been 2 days since 2nd semester started but i want it to be over already. many of my classes changed hour so that mean i will be in a different hour with different students. there is one particular class that makes me uncomfortable. 5th  hour i have gym. that was not originally part of my schedule but i dropped out of a class and joined that one. the moment i walked through the door, i just feel so uncomfortable. i don't know anyone in that class. i just feel so out of place. not to mention that class deals with a lot of teamwork leadership which i am not good at. today we are doing some icebreakers, so i hope that goes well.


 thank you^^ one of my friend joined my class on Friday so I won't be lonely anymore. Even if I'm still uncomfortable in that class, at least there's someone I know now.


@mrs_jeon_to_be  Best of luck in general and I hope everything goes well for you.