
Chapter 6 is up! Thoughts appreciated... Please share with anyone who you think might be interested :D


Thank you for the follow! I was an EFL teacher in Europe for a number of years, so I know the gig you're on. (even if I was never in Asia) :-)


hahaha, true! :-) You'll find several people here on WP give their Meyers-Briggs type in their bio. If you're into that, it's quite helpful to know.  I think many of the others who give theirs are INFP's though. Those make the "best writers" according to the M-B. . . so maybe it's just advertising! :-)


@Di_Rossi Sweet! Yeah, it's not a bad gig. Nice to virtually meet you! I had to google 'INTJ'... I had no idea about that. Categorising your own personality... what an INTJ thing to do!