Hey guys, so I deleted NYPLS because I had no plot line for it, might do the same for 3K but I have new ideas for writing. I do want to finish TSWRITM but I don't have all my thoughts for it work on it so it's going on hiatus (I mean, I haven't been writing for months but still). I have new projects I want to work but I'm not sure when I'll publish anything. I know I'm going to be writing something fairly sad-ish but I might use that base plot to rewrite Not Your Proper Love Story with an actual plot and have that one have a happy ending because I do really want to write both. I have something else but I'm unsure if and when I'll write it. Sorry for being gone forever. I've been reading from here but I've been massively discouraged to write. Hopefully, maybe, I'll actually get something done this time.