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What We Remove
The following are not allowed on Wattpad. This is not a complete list, and we have the right to remove any content that we find inappropriate. Any content that could put our community at risk will be removed. Wattpad has the right to close any account or remove content without notice.
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Sexual Content on Wattpad
Pornographic Content. Wattpad considers content to be pornographic when it exists solely for the purpose of sexual stimulation.
Age of Consent. The age of consent is 16+ on Wattpad. Any sexual content between characters must abide by this age of consent and not be in violation of Canadian Law.
Glorification of Sexual Violence. Wattpad classifies non-consensual sexual acts to include rape, sexual assault, kidnapping for sexual purposes, or sexual slavery. The content cannot be encouraging or promoting of non-consensual sex acts.
Sexual Roleplay or Messaging. Wattpad does not permit sexual messages or solicitation. This includes posting content which encourages sexual private messages, on or off Wattpad, or posting rules for public or private roleplay that are intended for sexual purposes.
Illegal Sex Acts. In accordance with Canadian Law, Wattpad explicitly prohibits any content which describes illegal sex acts including, but not limited to, bestiality, necrophilia, incest or child sexual exploitation and abuse material. Such content will be removed.