
i update kakashi love story Assassin:New life and will continuous'y every week. It will soon be over butt....i will Then create a totally different kakashi love story with different characters and plot. Also if anyone wants to edit my stories, plzzz let me know, i'm not the best speller ^•^ thx for reading and follwing!!!


i update kakashi love story Assassin:New life and will continuous'y every week. It will soon be over butt....i will Then create a totally different kakashi love story with different characters and plot. Also if anyone wants to edit my stories, plzzz let me know, i'm not the best speller ^•^ thx for reading and follwing!!!


i updated assassin: new life and this will now be a weekly thing now that i have more time on my hands because of my classes are simple electives, i will update the next chapter this friday night.
          Arigatōgozaimashita ^•^