
Changed my username from sleepcrywrite to turnthefrogsgay which I'm not sure everyone will understand but I like it better so yeah.. I'm also too lazy to change the tag on the story covers maybe I'll do that later maybe I won't. No promises.


Ello, I read tour author’s note and everything, I hope you’re doing well, Im just wondering If your story “Ass” could be one of the ones you update first when/if you come back , I like the plot and story line a lot. I’ve read a lot of different storied about Blackmail and the closeted feelings, but this one’s different than the others since he tells absolutely no one and he is maintaining his life while he falls apart on the inside. Anyway, I was just suggesting, you don’t have to if you want to; I’d just like to see where the story goes. Thank you


I read correction camp and it was really good I loved it! Although I did read it when I was supposed to be asleep on a school night, it was freaking worth it. You deserve to be hsowered with compliments on your writing and you’re also extremely cute :)


Oh my gosh haha! Thats so sweet of you to say I worked very hard on that fic thank you! 


I am defending the fact that I can’t type since it’s almost 4am and I stayed up reading phan fic 