
Hi, guys! Long time no chat! I know I published a oneshot about the reader being in love with both Steve Rogers AND Bucky Barnes earlier in the year, and now, I have some news. I'm going to be publishing my first full-length Avengers story! I've been working on multiple drafts for afew months now, and I even talked to a couple people about it, but, that's all I'm going to say. I want it to be a surprise. However, I WILL say it will be like as if the blip never occurred. I'm just going to leave it at that. This story is going to be one of my favorite works yet, and I can't wait to get it published! Much love, my followers!


How are you doing , love?


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


Hi, guys! Long time no chat! I know I published a oneshot about the reader being in love with both Steve Rogers AND Bucky Barnes earlier in the year, and now, I have some news. I'm going to be publishing my first full-length Avengers story! I've been working on multiple drafts for afew months now, and I even talked to a couple people about it, but, that's all I'm going to say. I want it to be a surprise. However, I WILL say it will be like as if the blip never occurred. I'm just going to leave it at that. This story is going to be one of my favorite works yet, and I can't wait to get it published! Much love, my followers!


How are you doing , love?


Attention to all my readers of my Derek Morgan and Hondo imagines: I want to apologize for the rather long wait. I know you've been waiting for new content, but I've had writer's block for a while now, and, I also haven't been writing because of afew personal reasons I'd rather not discuss. But wait no more! I'm in the middle of working on a very emotional Hondo imagine. Before I even get it published, though, I must warn you that it's not for the faint-hearted because the topic of choice is kinda graphic. I'm working on an equally emotional Derek imagine, too, and that one is slightly graphic as well. Warnings aside, I can't wait for you to read them when they get done! They're going to be real string pullers! Stay tuned! <3


To all my readers of my Derek Morgan and Hondo imagines: I'm sorry I've been MIA. I've been suffering from writer's block, BUT, I'm currently working on an emotional Derek imagine now. That should be done in the next bit. For now, I'd like to see if you guys have any requests (Hondo ones, mainly.) as I'm going slightly stir crazy from this pandemic. Like many of you, I have LOADS of free time on my hands. I hope you're all staying safe! Much love, readers! <3


Hi, readers! First of all, I'm SO SORRY I haven't posted an imagine within the past few weeks! I've been crazy busy every other day that I haven't even had time to write! An imagine SHOULD be up around this afternoon, though. :) Again, sorry for the long wait, but thanks for your patience! Much love, readers!


Important notice: I'm currently alittle short on the imagines, and to top it all off, I have a bit of writer's block. :P Don't worry, though, I still have alot more in the works and am hoping to get them published very soon! :) Just wanted to get that out there. Plus, with Halloween coming up, I'll be writing Halloween themed imagines within the coming days. THOSE should be published on Halloween if not alittle before. :)


If you're wondering why I haven't posted any oneshots, it's because I've been CRAZY swamped. I was also swamped this weekend. I'll be going out of town within a couple weeks, so during the car ride, I'll be able to post some oneshots then. I'll try to post some in the coming days, though. 


To those who don't know, I've resumed writing my Derek Morgan and Hondo oneshots. Things are alittle easy for me right now, and thought I'd go back to writing the oneshots. There'll come a time where I may have to take a small break from writing the oneshots or even put them on hold again. Whether permitting, I'll let you know as time progresses. Thank you for your patience and understanding during my hiatus. 


Due to personal circumstances, I'll be taking a break from writing my Derek Morgan and Hondo oneshots for now. You're still welcome to send me your requests, but please be patient if I don't respond to them immediately. I'm currently going through a very trying time right now, and I need some time to step back and think about stuff. Thank you for your understanding.