
why is it that planning for a story is so much easier than writing said story like whattttttt am i doing???? how does one fill in time and not make a like two page chapter :,) what does everyone else to do to fill in the story a bit??


why is it that planning for a story is so much easier than writing said story like whattttttt am i doing???? how does one fill in time and not make a like two page chapter :,) what does everyone else to do to fill in the story a bit??


I apologize but I will most likely not be posting My Cutie anymore(same with the other mha story), I'm not as big of a fan of mha anymore. If I get into it again I promise I will post. Again I am very sorry. I will be posting a new story about Lumity soon though! So if you are a toh fan I will be posting that soon enough. I'm just writing chapters for that right now. Again, I apologize  and I hope you all are doing great! See you all soon! <3


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Hey yall, I’m very sorry I haven’t been posting. Home life has been shit and motivations been out the window. I promise I’m trying to write new chapters, it’s just hard. I promise I will try to get chapters out soon, Have a good day/night guys!


Hard to believe that My Cutie has hit 8k reads!! Glad to have that many reads, thank you all to those who have read it! I promise y’all I will try and get to writing, it’s been hard lately but I’ll try for you guys, have a good day/night!