
guys i’m really sorry for not updating burned i feel like i can’t get myself to focus on anything lately especially when spending weekends just recovering from burnout. the ch 34 draft and outline for the rest of the story is there but my brain can’t quite reach it. idk how many people are still waiting on it but if u are, it’s not an abandoned fic it’s just a very very stubborn one 


That’s totally okay! Take as much time as you need


@tvdkai we will patiently await! I am so excited for chapter 34 tho!


@tvdkai yeaass we’re still waiting, rest, gain strength and continue please


hey! i just came across your profile and thought i’d reach out. i’m new to wattpad and looking to connect with other writers and readers. your vibe seems cool, and i’d love to be mutuals if you’re down!
          my new fic, chains of the crescent, is already posted, so feel free to check out my page. i’m excited to share my writing and support others in the community as well!
          	•	ward158326 (juno)


Hey gorgeous! I know you probably have alot going on so (if this is what you want ofc) just give us a simple rundown of what you wanted for burned and we can just imagine the rest that way you can “finish” burned and go back and actually write it when you feel up to it? Hope all is well❤️