
Everyone have a happy new year with a lot of hapiness !!!


Wow Tweety! I am so happy I can hardly put into words. Thank you so much for adding not one, not two or three, but four of my books to your reading list. That is simply amazing and I truly hope you enjoy them. :)


In 45 seconds the year is changing here in Greece. 2013 was a year that had its good and bad moments. Although i wouldnt change anything, neither the good nor the bad .I just wish 2014 to be full of good moments, health, hapiness and make true all our dreams and wishes that the previous years didnt. 2014 please be good to us !!!!


Σε ευχαριστώ για το follow. Ελπίζω να σου αρέσει η ιστορία μου. Πρόσθεσα και τα δικά σου βιβλία στη λίστα μου. Με την πρώτη ευκαιρία υπόσχομαι να τα διαβάσω. Καλή συνέχεια σε ότι κάνεις..