
just had wisdom teeth removal and my jaw hurts so bad i need a distraction cb & spec or I'll die I need activity on my accounts


**  sorry  having  an  awful  morning  so  fluff  on  here  and  kris!!


wanting  can  be  enough  sometimes.   proves  you're  still  human.
          *   "wanting  was  enough,   for  me  it  was  enough."


( @livingdeaths- ) well why don’t you tell that to everyone else ? (    drea’s eyes were wide when her head whipped around so her gaze met mara’s    ) they all act so high and mighty a - and like - like i can’t do what i want ! but they don’t - they don’t understand because everyone they love is still alive !
            /  she may go on a couple murder sprees during the six year jump but she’s a little princess so it’s okay ❤️❤️


SAVIOUR  OF  THE  BROKEN,   @twelfthcmmison :
            i  can  see  why,   but  it  ain't  that  simple.    {  nothing  ever  is.   mara  understands  loneliness  and  desperation  the  same  way  flowers  stuck  in  a  drought  wither  without  water.   }     just  'cause  it's for  the  best  doesn't  mean  it  doesn't  go  against  you.   i  couldn't  just  stay  away  from  klaus  at  the  drop  of  a  hat.   
            *    but  that's  okay ❤️   she's  a  princess !   she's  fine !


( @livingdeaths- ) you seem to be the only one who thinks that (    she crossed her arms , pursing her lips    ) everyone just wants me to - to leave her alone …
            /  season four when she lowkey stalks emmy


you  can  wear  anythin'  you  want.   whatever  makes  you  feel  the  best...  'nd,   of  course,   whatever  em  will  think  you  look  nice  in.
          *   "i'll  get  you  out  on  the  floor,   shimmering  beautiful."  ++   klaus  &  mara  get  married  during  the  six  year  gap ,,  they're  discussing  attire !!  


( @livingdeaths- ) jus’ got it , i think it was allison's or something ? (    she shrugs and scrambles back over the couch , clutching the dress to her chest    ) emmy’s gonna wear like this - this white suit ! she sent me pictures !
            /  me because they were all fine and dandy and then they’re not


SAVIOUR  OF  THE  BROKEN,   @twelfthcmmison :
            {  the  younger's  enthusiasm  invites  a  smile  from  mara,   leaning  back  on  her  hands  to  watch  as  drea  goes  through  the  closet.   the  opposite  of  wedding  nerves  binds  her  these  days;  more  than  anything,   she  feels  lighter  than  ever.   }    i've  never  seen  you  wear  that  before  :0    's  beautiful,   and  it'll  go  nice  with  the  route  i'm  taking.   
            *    joy  &  happiness  on  planet  earth !!   until  The  Horrors.


( @livingdeaths- ) o - oh ! i know ! (    she scrambled over to the closet , searching through the closet until she pulled out a silky white dress    ) how ‘bout this ? :D
            /  daisy and vik and klaus and mara! everyone’s getting married!


she’s only ever super truly happy during season four because she has her girlfriend back, she’s aging normally for the first time in her entire life, she gets to work at an animal shelter, play the guitar, and just get to go out and do normal teenager / adult things ( even if she’s murdering people who hurt emmy sometimes on the side )


season four alexandrea you have my full whole heart


i'm  not—   i  can't  do  that,   drea.   i'm  sorry.
          *   necromancy  after  emmeline ,,  throwing  up !


@livingdeaths- /  angst is love angst is LIFE


( @livingdeaths- ) (    in an instant , the moment mara’s words hit her ears , drea’s arms are wrapped tightly around the other waist , soft shaking noises still bubbling from her lips and tumbling out even as she speaks    ) t - thank you ! thankyouthankyouthankyou ! (    the words are a jumbled mess , but she wastes no time trying to drag mara over to the makeshift grave viktor had helped her put together    ) i don’t care ! (    her eyes are wide and frantic , to her there’s no other option , this is the only one , this is her only choice , to drea there doesn’t seem like much of a point to a world where she has to lay awake at night instead feeling emmeline’s weight next to her    ) i don’t care ! you have to try  /  now  / !


SAVIOUR  OF  THE  BROKEN,   @twelfthcmmison :
            {  the  quiver  of  the  younger's  lip  makes  a  piece  of  mara  ache  in  a  way  unique  to  her  failures,   softened  with  an  understanding  of  a  pain  irreversible.   she  can't  take  this  because  she  wants  to.   she  can't  take  this  because  she  tries  to.   she  has  no  purpose  but  to  act  as  an  assistant  of  abominations  and  mistakes,   and  the  last  thing  she  wants  to  do  is  curse  another  to  cruel  immortality.  }    i  could  try.   {  is  the  quiet  allowance  she  offers,   bitten  back  pleas  to  turn  away  turning  to  graves  on  her  tongue.  }    i  could  try.   but  you  have  to  understand  that  i  can't ,,  i  can't  guarantee  it'll  work.   i  haven't  succeeded  (once),   drea.    ( .. )    it  might  do  more  harm  than  good.
            *    we're  the  exact  same  breed  actually !!   this  is  my  bread  and  butter


i  get  it.   being  underestimated  because  of  how  you  look  has  to  be  the  most  irritating  assumption  anyone  could  have.


( @livingdeaths- ) (    she tries to hide it , but just hearing mara say the word adult and have it directed at her makes drea’s eyes light up , though she’s quick to try and hide it behind the smoke tumbling out of her mouth    ) thank … you …


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SAVIOUR  OF  THE  BROKEN,   @twelfthcmmison :
            i  still  get  asked  where  my  parents  are  by  strangers.   granted,   i  get  the  pleasure  of  goin'   "dead",   but  that  doesn't  give  me  much  else.    {  leaning  against  the  doorframe  mara  folds  her  arms,   red  eyes  piercing  as  she  examines  the  younger.  }    never  said  you  were.   i  (know)  i  haven't  been  around  actual  kids  in  fuck  knows  how  long,   and  seein'  as  you're  about  like  everyone  else  i'm  around,   i'd  call  you  an  adult.


( @livingdeaths- ) you don’t get it , people still treat you like an adult , people look at me and assume i have to be coddled like some dumb baby (    drea closed her eyes and took a long drag from her cigarette    ) i’m not a child