
* cb && spec had a weird week and i need to just be silly and whimsical


it  happened  a  long  time  ago.   nothin'  about  it  needs  reliving,   'specially  not  now.
          *   "and  it's  an  old  scar //  trying  to  bleach  it  out."  —  which  witch,   florence + the  machine.


( @livingdeaths- ) (    emmy’s smile brightens at the sound of mara’s laugh , a soft spur of pride forming in her chest    ) you’re welcome ! i like the stories , ‘makes everything a lot more interesting (    sometimes , emmy cants help the strange feeling that she’s missing something , or missing out , like something was gone and it made her life seem boring , hearing stories from drea’s oddly big extended family helpful with that a little bit    ) still , it makes you seem like someone you don’t wanna mess with , even if it’s just from a squirrel (    she giggles softly , nose scrunching up as she laughed    )
            /  she’s so babygirl cutsie pie coded I need her so bad


SAVIOUR  OF  THE  BROKEN,   @twelveslove :
            {  the  overwhelming  compliments  spur  a  soft  laugh  from  the  elder,   eyes  catching  a  light  that's  become  more  common  the  longer  she's  around  the  hargreeves.  }    been  through  more  than  enough,   you've  got  that  right.   ( .. )    thank  you,   though.    i think  i  have  better  stories  than  most  of  these  have  to  offer,   but  i  guess  a  few  ain't  so  bad.    ( .. )     'cept  for  this  one...   word  of  advice:  never  try  catchin'  a  frightened  squirrel.   no  matter  how  much  you  wanna  help  it.
            *    i  understand  drea  entirely ,,  i'd  go  insane  for  her  too 


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( @livingdeaths- ) well … yeah ! ‘cause it means you’ve been through some shit but like … are still ‘round and kicking (    she shrugs , her eyes flick down to the scars once more as a smile much like mara’s minus the fangs fills her face    ) s’like your fangs , they jus’ make you look badass !
            /  she’s a happy gal and then gets her memories back and it all goes away


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are  you  kiddin'?    the  commission  (wishes)  they  could  have  me.   i  still  wouldn't  touch  their  fuckin'   'cause'   with  a  thirty  foot  pole.   so  sure,   go  ahead—  shoot  me.   i  have  time  t'  kill.
          *    "you're  running  after  something  that  you'll  never  kill //  if  this  is  what  you  want,   then  fire  at  will." —  thank  you  for  the  venom,   my  chemical  romance.   added  context:  the  commission  stays  bitter  with  mara  through  s2 ,,  attempted  assassinations  ensue !!  


( @livingdeaths- ) shut up (    emmy hissed through gritted teeth , her tight grip on the gun only getting harder , to the point that her fingers were flushing red and then turning white , her pointer itching to pull the trigger yet again    ) i don’t like watching people die , if that’s what you’re trying to get at (    she hates how right the elder is , how the comment hits home a lot more than she would’ve liked   ) ‘m not some sick freak


SAVIOUR  OF  THE  BROKEN,   @twelveslove :
            ouch.   as  a  dead  girl  walkin',   you  know  how  to  say  what  hurts.    {  with  a  faux  pout  mara  cocks  her  head,   looking  down  to  where  the  bullets  have  entered  the  spot  between  her  shoulder  and  collarbone.   it'd  be  far  worse  if  she  was  mortal,   she'll  give  this  girl  that,   but  this  feels  a  little  less  dire  and  more  like  a  paper  cut.  }    cute,   by  the  way.    you  try  makin'  it  quick  on  everyone  you  shoot  at?    it's  admirable,   really.   ( .. )    go  on,   then.   i'll  let  you  reload.


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( @livingdeaths- ) ‘m not in charge , i don’t make any decisions , i don’t choose the timeline , my job is just to make sure people like you don’t fuck up so bad there’s  folks running around who should’ve been dead  /  years  /  ago (     her lips are set in a tight line , but the slight flushing of her cheeks in frustration takes away from her serious expression     ) people like you actually (     the gun fires , once , twice before she slowly lowers it , hand shaking in a way that betrays her expression    )


she  really  dotes  on  you.    kind  of  sickening,   really.


( @livingdeaths- ) (     emmy turned her head towards mara , smiling , even if faltered for a moment , frantic flashes of red eyes and lots of blood that she definitely doesn’t remember make expression fall for just a moment before her smile returned as quick as she could get it    ) ‘ve seen you and klaus , you look really happy , dre’s always complaining ‘bout how sappy you guys are 
            /  oh my gosh ! I live there too ! we can be neighbours!


SAVIOUR  OF  THE  BROKEN,   @twelveslove :
            yeah.    {  yeah.   that's  what  mara  can  say  as  she  tries  to  adjust  her  words  beyond  the  knot  in  her  throat,   nails  briefly  biting  into  her  palms  before  she  forces  her  muscles  to  relax.    lying  is  easy.    it's  knowing  of  emmy's  naivety  that's  hard.   }    that's  how  love  is.    ( .. )    mine,   anyway,   'nd  it  seems  like  yours,   too.    they  know  everythin'  about  you,   even  when  you  aren't  aware  of  it  yourself.    it  doesn't  get  old.
            *    i  live  there ,,  btw   (←  girl  who  lives  in  delusion)


( @livingdeaths- ) ‘kinda love it though (    emmeline’s smile is just as lovestruck as the one drea gives her every time they’re even in the same room , it’s overly sweet and almost sickening , if it had been anyone else emmy would’ve called them corny , but something about drea and just being around her just makes her heart flutter so much it hurts her ribs    ) it’s like … she knows and understands everythin’ about me , but not in weird way , if that makes any sense :/
            /  pre season four when everyone’s happy


don't  thank  me.    ( .. )    don't.   it  comes  with  a  price  bigger  than  anythin'  i  did.
          *   au  where  she  was  able  to  resurrect  emmy & thereby  doom  her  as  well !!   of  course !! 


( @livingdeaths- ) yeah , but it’s not … i haven’t  /  changed  /  since i was like … sixteen , s’not that different (    her eyes pulls away from mara , it feels to weird stare into eyes now identical to her own , the redness of it makes her chest knot up    ) drea’s … drea’s happy now that’s what - that’s what matters … (    she avoids looked at the bandages on mara’s arm , a constant reminder of waking up on the cold dirt outside the outside of the barn , gasping and clawing at her chest , drea’s blood soaked hands cupping her face as her girlfriend sobbed and mumbling her name frantically over and over , she remembers the way mara’s eyes had poured into hers , eyes shining with a darkness and a terrified understanding    )
            /  screaming crying and throwing up all at once


SAVIOUR  OF  THE  BROKEN,   @twelveslove :
            {  she's  going  to  regret  this  the  rest  of  her  life.   she's  still  got  her  arm  wrapped  from  biting  into  it,   the  blood  dripped  into  emmeline's  wound  there  for  good  measure.   calling  her  spirit  back  from  where  it  had  gone,   listening  to  her  mother's  voice  in  her  head  remind  her  of  the  steps  taken.   it  wasn't  what  she'd  done  that  was  regrettable ;  it's what  it'll  do  to  emmy  that  carves  a  hollow  cavern  in  her  chest.   looking  into  eyes  that  now  match  her  own  mara  tries  to  swallow  back  her  apologies,   taking  a  deep  breath  as  she  readies  herself.  }     you  won't.   not  for  a  while.     ( .. )    not  ever.    you—   y'realize  that,   don't  you?   
            *     i  have  a  proficiency  for  heartache !!   im  sorry !! 


@livingdeaths- /  this is sick and twisted i am ILL!!


d'you  mind ?   i'm  trying  to  avoid  the  end  of  the  world.   again.
          *    s3  again !!   playing  middle  man  to  pulled  apart  gfs


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( @livingdeaths- ) well at least  /  try  /  and talk to her ! being ignored and sitting alone at the hotel bar all day certainly isn’t making her any less drunk ! (    the more mara resisted the more heated emmeline got , she was pissed off enough as it was , watching drea self destruct like she was , knowing she couldn’t do anything , and the fact that the only person who could help was virtually ignoring her at this point was only making it worse     ) i don’t fucking know ! jus’ talk to her ! maybe then she’ll actually do something productive !


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SAVIOUR  OF  THE  BROKEN,   @twelveslove :
            you  should  know  you  can't  make  'drea  do  (shit).    {  biting  her  tongue  with  too  sharp  teeth  mara  closes  her  eyes,   pursing  her  lips  like  emmy  can  somehow  escalate  the  situation  if  she  goes  off.  }   even  if  she  gets  sober,   it  won't  mean  a  damn  thing  if  the  world  ends.    whaddya  want  me  t'  say,   huh?    'hey,   your  dead  girlfriend  requests  that  you  stop  drinking  so  we  can  die  another  way'? 


( @livingdeaths- ) and ‘m trying to make sure you make sure my girlfriend doesn’t get killed ! (    emmy scowled and leaned in close to mara’s ear , purposefully talking louder than she ever would’ve normally    ) this is the only way i can talk to her and make sure she doesn’t drink so much her liver explodes !