To those waiting on an update for Enemies with Benefits, I'm sorry for the long delay and I said I would update but I've been on writers block for some time because... I don't know where this story is going. I can't think of what could happen next. And I'm not really one for giving up just because I can't do it but it's been months and I don't even know anything.same for SWTE, I feel like it's shit and if I'm honest I cba changing it all-because I wouldn't know what would happen. I'm sorry and if I decide to go back on then I'll let you know as soon as I can!x
I know there hasnt been an update from SWTE, but right now, I'm severely contemplating whether or not to just delete it, because I feel as if I'm going nowhere with it. Nobody ever comments or votes, or even reads so...yeah if you can help me I'll dedicate you in my new story, Summer Rain and I'll give you a part :)
Hey guys! I've decided to update and continue with Enemies with Benefits because I finally know what I'm doing. SWTE is on hold because I don't know what to do anymore with it and it's been weighing me down so I'm just gonna stay on writers block with it. Hopefully, I'll find out what to do with that in the future lys xx
I'm currently on writers block with sleeping with the enemy because literally so much has been happening in my life-mostly bad and I don't know what to do next for it!