
I need to stop getting hurt. I'm on crutches…AGAIN!! Last year it was my knee, a few weeks ago it was my wrist, and now it's my ankle. Gosh!! I guess I'm that clumsy 


When people break a promise and make fun of you, are they your true friends???? .......................No they aren't. 


@http__dreamer4 it doesn't matter. I have true friends, I don't need the others anymore 


@NOTyourNORMALteen Who??? Who is making fun of you?!! I'll rip them to shreds. 


Life can be a like a piece of crap, but never be the reason it is. Make the best of what you have in life. Never cut, do drugs, or anything to harm your body. You are beautiful and amazing just the way you are. I wouldn't want you to be anyone else but yourself. 


I have this friend I've known since I was really little. We were best friends and nothing could come between us. Then the summer was over, so we said goodbye. We never knew that good bye meant good bye for a long time. She came back for winter break and now she is leaving. I don't know what to do without her. She doesn't want to leave and neither does her boyfriend and her friends that are down her. I have to wait till spring break now. I can't wait. She understands things no one else would. She is the friend you never want to leave your side. I love her like she is my sister. 
          If you ever had a problem like this, message me. I want to know I'm not the only one with this problem. You guys are like family to me and it would mean a lot. 


@Cndavis Mhmm it would wouldn't it?? :)


I just watched the new Star Wars movie!!!!!! It was my first Star Wars movie I have ever seen and I loved it. Now I just need to watch episodes 4,5,and 6. I was told not to watch 1,2,and 3 so I'm not going to. To all the nerds out there, I respect you all and I always have and always will. I will always respect everyone for there likes and dislikes. Always have and always will. Btw Magcon is coming back!!!!!!!!! Can't wait.