No matter what, I always be with you.
No matter how hard it's gonna be I'm always ready to calm you down.
No matter how you feel worthless, I never see you that way .
No matter you said you ugly, you never be one in my eyes. I always see you as the most beautiful person in this world.
You a strong, beautiful, kind-hearted, and lovely friend I've ever seen.
I hope with this gonna make you think that its worth to live in this unfair world.
Keep your head's up and never cry to people who never appreciate your existance cuz they just jealous of being a jerk towards you.
Keep your smile up cuz you're smile gonna brighten the darkness day you got. I hopw with this you realised how precious you're existance towards me.
- Love : Haena.
ps : sent this to 20 people and see their reaction towards you ;)