As to all you wondering (and all thou not), I’ll explain some reasons as to why I was gone for two whole goddamn months.
As I had previously said before, I now have a new phone, and because of this I don’t really know how to operate it, and don’t know what my parents can and cannot see. I am going to figure out how to delete my history after this because I finally decided to see if Wattpad would work using a search engine. To my surprise, and absolute joy, it does!
The reason updates have been so slow is for two reasons: 1) I can only update in the app (at least I think so), and the app no longer works because yay parents 2) I’ve kinda fallen out of the Undertale fandom so I’ve had less motivation/inspiration to write. This however, does not mean that there won’t be updates. But because updates will be slow, - and unfortunately will probably forever be slow - there have been another project I’ve been working on. It was originally just supposed to be for a friend as a thank you for something, and as a way to “read” fanfic because I haven’t read a fanfic since like October, but I feel like it would be fun to post it here anyways. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me or smth. Out of my 22 followers, a majority of you probably don’t care, but there might be like one person that does, so this is for you that one person.
Have a great day lovelies <3