
@ImUndercover Thank you very much :) it means a lot! I'm far from a genius though. Would you like me to read them all?


Hi, I'm Bethany and I'm a Romance, Teen Fiction and Fan Fiction writer. I have read some of your work and I must say, I'd love to be able to write like you one day, you have such a talent! Anyway, I came by to ask you if you'd be interested in reading and maybe offer some insight on my work? I'd love to learn from a genius writer like you. Best friends or more, is my favourite of all your books! :)


I'm back from holiday so I will be updating all of my stories at different points in the day! I had a great time in Spain and it's really depressing now I'm back in England, waahh :( but I kinda caught a tan! Anyhoo, please read my stories when I get round to updating them :)