Hey, I was just wondering if you were planning on writing any more stories? I keep rereading all of them and I love them so much, you’re a great writer!
Reading Lists
heyyy I know I have been gone for so long but I am still alive!! just wanted to ask if anyone knows if the merch stands for Louis are there the day before? Also I’m not going to make any promises because if I’m being honest I haven’t written anything since like August but I would like to write another story- just major writers block and quite busy w starting uni. But yes, please let me know if you know about when the Louis merch stands opennn
@havefaithinthefuture thank you so much, that does help a lot! I appreciate it xx
heyyy :) the merch stands don’t open the day before!! the only exception was in cologne, bc the venue said it a few days beforehand, that u can shop early merch the day before the concert. the stand usually open between 13-15 o‘clock, but it can be a little bit earlier or later, depends on the venue!! hope i could help
Hey, I was just wondering if you were planning on writing any more stories? I keep rereading all of them and I love them so much, you’re a great writer!
I have decided to read “I’m Fine” out of pure spite because you said you hate it, so now I wanna love it just to be annoying
Heyy are you going to write again some time?:/
heyyy I know I have been gone for so long but I am still alive!! just wanted to ask if anyone knows if the merch stands for Louis are there the day before? Also I’m not going to make any promises because if I’m being honest I haven’t written anything since like August but I would like to write another story- just major writers block and quite busy w starting uni. But yes, please let me know if you know about when the Louis merch stands opennn
@havefaithinthefuture thank you so much, that does help a lot! I appreciate it xx
heyyy :) the merch stands don’t open the day before!! the only exception was in cologne, bc the venue said it a few days beforehand, that u can shop early merch the day before the concert. the stand usually open between 13-15 o‘clock, but it can be a little bit earlier or later, depends on the venue!! hope i could help
I’m trying to start my new story but I just can’t finish the first chapter and I’m scared that it’s gonna be like that the whole time if I can’t find the motivation now, what about further on during the writing process? Like I don’t know if the story is too similar to tempest? and I want to do another enemies to lovers fic or a pirate fic but I just don’t have the ideas rn
@twinklingpisces ask chatgpt for ideas People always say AI fanfiction etc. is bad but chatgpt is actually very good at ideas!
I love all of your writing they are all literally my comfort ficus your amazing anything you write will be wonderful
I got into uni!!!!!!!! I’m so proud of myself
@twinklingpisces I'm kinda late to this but congratulations that's awesome!!!
@twinklingpisces that sounds sooooo cool omg !! i'll study english and german art and litterature but i think what you chose was also an option i had (and didn't get in haha) so congrats again !!x
I’m crying I miss him already
I was at the last concert and I was literally balling the whole time. Like I could not hold it together. I’m gonna miss him so much but I’m so thankful he’s getting a break.
@twinklingpisces bro it was so sad, but i havent cried yet, idk why- i just dont knowww
sameee but I'm glad he's getting a break now (also the show was so iconic I died when I heard falling)
got waitlisted for Taylor tickets and I’m actually gonna cry so much if anyone has any spare codes for cardiff pls pls pls I’m begging for it
@twinklingpisces this is literally me i got waitlisted and im sobbing i wanna see her in edinburgh
little life update which kinda is more excuses for why I’ve not yet finished tainted love (I am slowly but surely working on the last chapter I promise), basically I finished a levels then the next day I got a job so I’ve been working and I had my driving test last Friday (passed first time ) and I went to Harry’s concert on Tuesday (so so so good) so my life is kinda jam packed. I also have my summer ball on Wednesday and am going to Italy for two weeks from Thursday so trying to fit writing in is incredibly difficult. I hope you can understand and stick around for the last chapter and even for future fics xxx
Hi! I really want to download the book Tempest as a PDF. And am not sure how do it... I LOVE this book and I kinda want this book to become a book, do you know what I mean?
heyyyy I’ve also uploaded tempest to my ao3 account under the same username so I think you should be able to download it as pdf from there? If that doesn’t work I have no clue but I hope that helps and thank you so so so much xx
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