@omegacrow-nexus thanks!
Devin was in the school theatre, taking some paint with him to put a new layer of paint on his skates. While doing so, he overheard two people arguing, that being Zee and Oliver.
Oliver: Oh, how cliche of you to use the same joke again! I do not have bad acne! It's simply small cleaning won't fix.
Zee: Oh, really? Then I should know a thing or two about fixing, like your voice! You may think you sound sophisticated, but you sound overly dramatic...
Oliver: *gasps* I am not!
Zee: Like someone in Disney movie!
Oliver: Oh really? Well, I'll have you know that I was close to being on one! And unlike you, I don't need preschool magic, I had an angelic voice. Ta-ta.
Oliver smugly walks away while Zee was seething.
Zee: "AnGeLiC vOiCe"! I'll show you...
Zee then spots Devin sneaking away while holding a paint canister.
Zee: Yooouuu heard all of that, didn't you?
Devin: Well, only the part that started with the acne. I just only came her for paint, but I think I could help you...
During a school play, hosted by Oliver, Zee and Devin snuck behind the curtains and switched out the original music Oliver would sing with a song of their choice.
Zee: This might actually work! He's coming!
Zee and Devin sneak into the audience as Oliver was about to sing.
Oliver: *whispers* Play the Titanic.
Barry would play the music, only for the song Oliver requested turned out to be A Thousand Miles.
Oliver: *whispers* That's not the song! Switch it out!
Barry: *whispers* This is the only one here!
Oliver: *to the audience* Uh-Uhm, oh Rose!
Babs, who was playing Rose, was jamming to the song.
Babs: *singing* And now I wonder! If I could fall into the sky! Do you think time would pass me-
Oliver: Babs!
The audience began laughing while Devin and Zee both nodded their heads.
Babs: I'm adding this to me playlist.