
hello everyone, ok so i have been gone for a f*cking long time, to be honest i took a break from most electronics in general cuz i feel i needed the time without it and to think, i am back now and hope that i can continue to write things you all enjoy


hello everyone, ok so i have been gone for a f*cking long time, to be honest i took a break from most electronics in general cuz i feel i needed the time without it and to think, i am back now and hope that i can continue to write things you all enjoy


hello everyone, if you haven't already heard... watch techno's newest video... he is no longer with us but i will continue to have him in my writing... he was a legend and a great person. i bet he has already beaten god in his battle in the heavens.


hello everyone, i have made a lot of different stories but i am having a difficult time deciding which one to focus on, please answer back with the book you would like me to continue on and maybe some tips and requests :)


ok people plz!!! i am litterally down on my knees (because i am typing this sitting on the floor, my desk was getting uncomfortable and i wanted to try something new...) anywya please i have only had zero_wolfrose reply, thats it! uno! one person! so please heelp meee


Or “He NEED me”


How about prisoner escape 